I was developing a report application where I put a cfinput type="DateField" at the top of the page with a series of tabs below it using cflayoutarea, and cfdiv tags in each of the tab areas that are bound to the datefield. Each tab contains a different report related to the sales that occurred on the date that is selected at the top. All the div tags are bound to the datefield, so if you select a new date, the sales reports all refresh asynchronously. It's a pretty straight forward implementation of these new features in ColdFusion 8.
The only thing is that in Internet Explorer if open the calendar on a datefield that is right above a cfdiv layer, the calendar goes under the cfdiv and the links don't work on the portion of calendar that is behind the div layer.
Try this link in FireFox and it works fine, but in IE you will see the problem:
I have submitted the bug (#70618) to Adobe, so hopefully that gets a hot fix relatively soon.
Currently the suggested workaround is to either put a bunch of <br> tags in between, to make sure there is enough space for the calendar above the cfdiv, or put your calendar on the side or some other position that is not above the cfdiv layer.