At last nights OCCFUG meeting, one of the members asked what is the best way to access the data from nodes in an XML document that have xmlns namespace prefixes. I touched on this topic briefly in the comments of my post about reading XML documents, but I thought I would expound upon it a little more as there doesn't seem to be a lot of solid explanations out there on how to do this in ColdFusion. In a nutshell, the answer is to use XMLSearch() with an xPath expression that utilizes the namespace-uri() function.


I came up with a little short cut earlier today when I was commenting on an article Ben Nadel wrote and he thought it was pretty clever, so I thought other people might find it useful as well.


As of ColdFusion MX, there are several tags and functions that make working with XML a snap. In this tutorial I am going to demonstrate how to use these tools to generate an XML document.

The first step is to write a query to get the data we want to export. We are going to export a list of books from the cfbookclub database that comes with ColdFusion.


There are many, many uses for XML, and if you use ColdFusion to consume web services, or create data integration processes, then chances are, you will need work with XML. As of ColdFusion MX there are several tags and functions that make working with XML a snap. In this tutorial I am going to focus on teaching you how to pull the information you need out of XML documents.
