Scott Bennett (
Generates and displays an interactive, Google API powered map. To add markers to the map, use the cf_gMapMarker tag.
See also
Attribute | Req/Opt | Default | Description |
GoogleAPIKey | Required | The Google API key that is assigned to your domain. To obtain a Google API key for your domain, click here. | |
Latitude | Required if Longitude is specified | 0 | The Latitude of the location you want the map to be centered on. Ignored if Longitude is not specified. |
Longitude | Required if Latitude is specified | 0 | The Longitude of the location you want the map to be centered on. Ignored if Latitude is not specified. |
ZoomLevel | Optional | 1 | The zoom level. Fully zoomed-out is level 0, increasing the zoom level causes the map to be zoomed-in closer. |
MapControl | Optional | false | Specifies the pan/zoom control to appear in the upper left corner of the Google Map. Optional values are:
ScaleControl | Optional | false | If set to true, a map scale will appear in the lower left corner of the Google Map |
MapTypeControl | Optional | false | If set to true, buttons that let the user toggle between map types (such as Map and Satellite) will appear on the Google Map |
OverviewMapControl | Optional | false | If set to true, a collapsible overview map will appear in the lower right corner of the Google Map |
style | Optional | width: 500px; height: 300px | A style specification in CSS format that will be used in the DIV that will contain the Google map. |
id | Optional | map_canvas | The HTML ID that will be assigned to the DIV that will contain the Google map. |